Monday, April 6, 2015


Amber DuPree

4th Year (It's Goblet of Fire year, so I'm very busy trying to win the Triwizard Cup (read: graduate) majoring in Film Studies and Strategic Communication

If you could make any fictional character come to life, which would it be?
  • As per my Harry Potter reference before, it would probably have to be Sirius Black. I mean that would also require him to be brought back to life (this is not a spoiler alert, you all have had several years to read OR watch Harry Potter) but we have the same Myers-Briggs type (ENTP) and like many of the same things (motorcycles, dogs, creating chaos) so I can imagine all of the great debauchery we could get ourselves into. 

What “most likely to” superlative would you be most honored to receive and why?
  • "Most likely to unknowingly have a screw lodged in their ear for an indiscriminate amount of time"  It's a thing that has happened to me recently and it perfectly describes me as a being. It is also a story that is told waaaaaay better in person so holla at your Bro. 

What about yourself do you find the most pride in and why?
  • My unrelentless drive to be myself. Sure that may mean I state things as if they are fact that are actually possibly opinion (ie "Saltwater turns your hair blonde"). Or even purchasing and consuming 36 mangos within two weeks. But I absolutely take pride that I won't compromise my authentic self for anyone or anything. (but let's see how I handle Hollywood)

What was the best birthday you ever had and why?
  • Probably my 21st and it's not what you think. Ok maybe it is exactly what you think if you know me. My birthday was over labor day weekend and so I took a trip to Canada with my sister and my Mom where we drove from Columbus to Toronto and then to Montreal. The drive was beautiful with all of the birch trees. I went to the Hockey Hall of Fame sporting my new Canucks jersey and eat some delicious French-Canadian cuisine. It was so rad. Yeah, I said it. RAD. 

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