Monday, January 18, 2016


Emily Thieroff

Emily is a third year studying Psychology.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite thing about PSP is the people. The people in this organization are some of the most genuine and down-to-earth I have ever met in my life. Even though we are all different years and majors, we get along so well because we all hold the values of the tripod and are passionate about what we do.
What is something you’ve won and how did you win it?
  • In my initiate class, I won the superlative "Most likely to get lost on a COTA bus." This is because the second week of my freshman year it actually did happen. Basically, that day I had about a 2 hour tour of Columbus.
How often do you read your horoscope? Do you believe there’s any truth to it?
  • I think I have read my horoscope maybe once or twice in my life. 
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
  • It would be impossible for me to listen to only one song for the rest of my life because I change what I listen to everyday! I would probably pick Identity & The Ground by Ola Gjeilo. It is one of my favorite pieces I played in orchestra and the most peaceful thing I have ever heard.

Avery Borchers

Avery is a third year studying Speech and Hearing Science.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • The people having fun at the events my fellowship chair and I create.
What is something you’ve won and how did you win it?
  • I won a Halloween contest because I looked spot on like a geisha and no one could tell I was actually like seven.
How often do you read your horoscope? Do you believe there’s any truth to it?
  • I read it like once or twice a month. I see a ton of parallels when I read my personality horoscope which is Cancer. I am still waiting for the financial promises I was said to get a month ago though.
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
  • this is so hard for me. So many things are running through my head. Some Fetty for the rest of my life or maybe soulful forever with Adele. After much debate I will have to go with Monster Eminem and Rihanna.  Eminem is a legend and Rihanna is my spirit animal. 

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