Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Karlie Frank

Karlie is a fourth year studying Journalism.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Phi?
  • Favorite thing about PSP are the opportunities to explore Columbus with people who are always down to try something new.
Who's the most famous person you have ever met? What famous person would you most like to meet?
  • The most famous person I've ever met is Tim Cook and it was the best hour of my life. I would also love breathe the same air as Beyonce.
What was an act of kindness you offered or received?
  • When I was mugged last summer, a guy who saw it happen went after the girl who maced me. He ended up getting a cop's attention and making sure she was caught. Definitely the most I've ever been indebted to a stranger.

Abby Skeens

Abby is a second year Psychology.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Phi?

  • The people! I love hearing about everyone’s opinions/majors/life goals/dog preference because we are all so different. Even with the variety of people in PSP we all share a common vibe and I really appreciate it, plus if I hadn’t joined PSP I’d probably have no friends and I like having friends lol.
Who's the most famous person you have ever met? What famous person would you most like to meet?
  • Horse girl alert: I took a clinic with the US Olympic equestrian coach and that’s the most famous person I have ever met. I was also in a Disney store in Chicago at the same time as Jennifer Lopez so I mean..... I would most like to meet Hayley Williams off the top of my head because I am secretly 13 year old trash.
In your opinion, what is the best show or movie on Netflix?

  • I have a penchant for bad TV, so I only watch really horrible CW and ABC family shows that I won’t even pretend are good. But my favorite movie on Netflix is RENT because musicals are bomb, also the Keira Knightly Pride and Prejudice movie just came out on Netflix and I love that movie and always have. Also Adventureland.
What was an act of kindness you offered or received?

  • One of the nicer things that has been done for me was second semester senior year, some things went down and I was maybe not the happiest of campers. So my idiot friends (as I lovingly call them) threw me a party and bought me a cake and basically just made me feel better and were just there for me. It was just really sweet and made me feel good and it was just neat. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Grant Schneider

Grant is a third year studying Biomedical Engineering.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite thing about PSP is getting to know a lot of different people. Most of my friends are engineers, so having a group of diverse people who also share the same values as me has been great.
Who's the smartest person you know?
  • The smartest person I know is one of my very good friends from high school. His name is also Grant S. and he goes to MIT.
Which of the five senses do you treasure most? Why?
  • I value sight the most of the senses. I couldn't really imagine not being able to see the places around me or the people I care about.
As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • When I was a kid, I believe my first aspiration was to be a dinosaur (because dinosaurs are cool obviously). After that, I believe it was an archaeologist (so that I could find all the cool dinos). Then, it was a marine biologist since I liked turtles.

Jaya Adkins

Jaya is a second year studying Communications with a minor in Business.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite part about PSP is the friends I have made! I love being surrounded by such fun and positive people.
Who's the smartest person you know?
  • My dad is the smartest guy I know. He's worked so hard to achieve everything he has now and I'm super proud of everything he's accomplished--despite all the setbacks he's had to face. He's really personable and such a fun, supportive person in general. I'm lucky to have him as a father :)
Which of the five senses do you treasure most? Why?
  • This is a hard one haha. Probably my eyesight. I would hate not being able to see the world and how beautiful it is!
As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • When I was little I always wanted to be a super hero. Basically I wanted to save the world and be super bad ass doing it. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Katie Duff

Katie is a fourth year studying Anthropology.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?

  • THe collaboration of all the members to be awesome and to plan really great events.
What is your dream vacation?

  • Eastern European trip like Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Bosnia, Serbia... Basically everywhere 
What was your first job?

  • Plant sitter- yes that is somehow a job

Chris Pierson

Chris is a third year studying Exercise Science with plans for Physical Therapy Graduate school.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite thing is meeting and networking with people with other majors and fields that I would not have met from my classes.
What is your dream vacation?
  • My dream vacation is to go to Los Angeles, because of the beaches, cars, bikes, and music there. 
What was your first job?
  • My first "real" job was working for the Anatomy Department here at OSU. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Jenny Lee

Jenny is a fourth year studying Biology.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite thing about PSP would be the close friendships that you make within the organization. You will always have friends you can talk to about anything, you can be yourself and that they'll always be there for you.
What is your favorite item to cook? Why?
  •  I like cooking Kimbab (Korean looking sushi) because you have a lot of different flavors rolled into one, plus it reminds me of my mom's cooking &#X1f60a.....plus there's always leftovers!
What is your favorite question to ask people to get to know them?
  • My favorite question to ask people would be "What's your favorite food?" Come on, everyone loves food!


Kelly Rudolph

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi is the people! Everyone is so fun and unique so it's been real awesome getting to know everyone involved in PSP.
Are you a traveler or a homebody?
  • I'm a traveler when the weather is nice, but once winter leaves I will rarely leave my bed.
What's your favorite subject to discuss? Why?
  • My favorite subjects to discuss are people's favorites movies and music because I think you can learn a lot about a person just from what they like to listen to/watch in their free time! 

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
Are you a traveler or a homebody?
What's your favorite subject to discuss? Why?