Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Grant Schneider

Grant is a third year studying Biomedical Engineering.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite thing about PSP is getting to know a lot of different people. Most of my friends are engineers, so having a group of diverse people who also share the same values as me has been great.
Who's the smartest person you know?
  • The smartest person I know is one of my very good friends from high school. His name is also Grant S. and he goes to MIT.
Which of the five senses do you treasure most? Why?
  • I value sight the most of the senses. I couldn't really imagine not being able to see the places around me or the people I care about.
As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • When I was a kid, I believe my first aspiration was to be a dinosaur (because dinosaurs are cool obviously). After that, I believe it was an archaeologist (so that I could find all the cool dinos). Then, it was a marine biologist since I liked turtles.

Jaya Adkins

Jaya is a second year studying Communications with a minor in Business.

What is your favorite thing about Phi Sigma Pi?
  • My favorite part about PSP is the friends I have made! I love being surrounded by such fun and positive people.
Who's the smartest person you know?
  • My dad is the smartest guy I know. He's worked so hard to achieve everything he has now and I'm super proud of everything he's accomplished--despite all the setbacks he's had to face. He's really personable and such a fun, supportive person in general. I'm lucky to have him as a father :)
Which of the five senses do you treasure most? Why?
  • This is a hard one haha. Probably my eyesight. I would hate not being able to see the world and how beautiful it is!
As a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • When I was little I always wanted to be a super hero. Basically I wanted to save the world and be super bad ass doing it. 

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