Monday, November 10, 2014


Albert Lee
Senior majoring business with a specialization in logistics management and a minor in general psychology

If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint and why?
  • I would paint something like this (see attached image, and not my picture by the way). This is the main city square in Ljubljana, Slovenia also known as Prešeren Square. I really enjoyed my one week in Ljubljana, its such a beautiful city. It felt surreal when I first got there and took my breathe away for sure. I'd paint it because I want to inspire other people to visit Ljubljana!

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given and why?
  • My sister and I gave our mom a digital photo album once for mothers day. It was filled with pictures from my parents wedding all the way up to my senior year of high school. I think it got to her and she still uses it to this day.

If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why?
  • I'd be a Marmot hands down. Just because they are freaking awesome I mean come on, just look at them and tell me they aren't awesome. Plus they also live in the mountains and eventually I'd like to live near the Rocky mountains.

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been and why?

  • I'd love to travel around in Germany because I took 3 years of German (even though I forgot most of it) between high school and college. It would be nice to try the local foods and explore the country side. 

Tyler Parker
Third year majoring in Arabic

If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint and why?
  • I would paint my view from the Columbus Park of Roses this past week as I sat on one of the benches because the scene was surreal with its -beauty.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given and why?
  • I gave my girlfriend a gold ring with an inset pearl for her birthday this past week. I think it's been the best gift I have given because I worked hard to find it and she seems to really love it.

If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why?
  • I would be a gemsbok, an antelope that resides in the Kalahari Desert. I'm not entirely sure why I would want to be a gemsbok; I suppose they are pretty majestic and of course, they have an awesome name!

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been and why?
  • I want to travel to the United Arab Emirates because I want to see the mixture of traditional Arabian culture and rapid westernization they have there. In one day I could go from buying a Polo shirt from one of the largest malls in the world to speaking Arabic in a desert village, and to me that's pretty cool.

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